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Tom 17 Nr 2 (2024)


Risks Related to the Use of Dietary Supplements in the Light of Insufficient Legal Regulations and Low Public Awareness

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 23.12.2024


In recent years, we have observed a dynamic development of the dietary supplements (SD) market in Poland has undergone a period of significant expansion and evolution. This is facilitated by the form of the products, the declared properties and the method of presentation, which includes advertising in mass media such as radio, television, press and the Internet. SDs contain mainly vitamins and minerals, as well as amino acids, fatty acids, fibre and other plant products. Their popularity and widespread use may raise a number of doubts. In Polish and European legislation, dietary supplements are classified as foodstuffs. Consequently, they are not subjected to the same rigorous testing procedures as medical products, which include assessments of potential interactions, side effects and durability. A substantial body of evidence attests to the fact that dietary supplements may contain undeclared substances or substances in doses that differ from those indicated by the manufacturer. It is therefore imperative to implement suitable quality standards and to highlight the issues pertaining to the regulatory framework governing dietary supplements.


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