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Tom 10 Nr 12 (1) (2015)


Życie i działalność naukowa Księdza Profesora Antoniego Kościa SVD

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 30.06.2015


This article undertakes the issue of the life and scientific activity of Rev. Prof. Antoni Kość, particularly his contribution to the development of Polish and world philosophy of law. The author presents the biography of Antoni Kość beginning with the schooldays. In the article have been descibed the following stages: the seminary and theology studies in the Catholic University of Lublin; missionary work and law studies in Japan; law studies in Germany and the United States; studies and work at the universities in Japan and Korea; work at the Catholic University of Lublin. The author presents also the academic achievements of Prof. Antoni Kość.


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