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Vol. 16 No. 18 (2) (2021)


Integrating Values of the Nations of Central and Eastern Europe within the Council of Europe and the European Union

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-09-23


The author points out that the nations, countries of Central and Eastern and Southern Europe share a common goal and values, which after the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, have joined together in their efforts to join the Council of Europe and the European Union. These countries have been consulted on the constitutional law of the Council of Europe and European Union bodies. With great care, the creators of the Constitution used the individual provisions of the European Convention on Human and Citizen’s Rights, which is a phenomenon occurring in the new democracies. The fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of citizens are formulated in a way that is free from the burdens of the previous historical period. The political culture of society, legal awareness, values and ways of thinking have a fundamental role in the transformation of each of these countries. The rate of change in the quality of life of a person and a community depends on how seriously values are taken into account.


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