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Vol. 16 No. 18 (1) (2021)


The Impact of the Anti-crisis Shield on Limiting the Powers of a Municipality as a Contracting Authority

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-06-30


The article discusses the regulation of Article 15r1 of the anti-crisis shield established by the Act on interest rate subsidies for bank loans granted to businesses affected by Covid-19 and on simplified proceedings for approval of the arrangement in connection with the occurrence of Covid-19, which introduces into public procurement contracts, a limitation of the contracting authority’s rights in connection with SARS-CoV-2 and provides that during the period in which the state of epidemic emergency or state of epidemic declared in connection with COVID-19 is in force, and for 90 days from the date of revocation of the state that was last in force, the contracting authority may not withhold the contractual penalty reserved in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the public procurement contract from the contractor’s remuneration or from his other receivables, and may not seek satisfaction from the security for due performance of that contract, provided that the event in connection with which the penalty was reserved occurred during the period in which the state of epidemic emergency or state of epidemic was in force. The amendment Act entered into force on 24 June 2020.


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