Vol. 16 No. 18 (1) (2021)
Electricity as a Dangerous Product
Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
The operation of a dangerous product is an issue close to the interests of both consumers and entities that supply the product to consumers. Currently, there are many categories of products on the market that may be considered as dangerous products, however, in the author’s opinion, particular attention should be paid to the category of products that cannot be clearly defined, thus this article focuses on electricity considered as a dangerous product. The regulations invoked by the legislator in connection with the operation of a dangerous product raise a number of doubts and lead to discrepancies in the doctrine, as they are not formulated in a sufficiently precise and unambiguous manner, which results in different positions of doctrine representatives. When analyzing the concept of a dangerous product, it should be noted that with regard to electricity, a literal interpretation of the provisions of the Civil Code seems to be appropriate. It is undisputed that under the provisions of the Civil Code, electricity is not a thing, and was recognized as an exception under Article 4491 of the Civil Code. Bearing in mind the way of analogy that could be applied to other types of energy, the principle of exceptionis non sunt extentendae should be invoked.
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