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Vol. 14 No. 16 (2) (2019)


The Impact of Relapse into Crime on the Degree of Offender’s Guilt in Canon Law and Polish Law

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


Relapse into crime is disturbing for two reasons. First of all, it highlights the ineffectiveness of the penalty imposed on the perpetrator. Second, it is a violation of legal norms and legal order, which should be observed in every community. Both the ecclesiastical and secular legislator acknowledge the need to regulate the institution of recidivism. Both legal orders formulate criteria to be met for recidivism to occur. Both in canon law and Polish penal law, these criteria are cumulative. However, in canon law, recidivism is a circumstance that may aggravate the penalty for a prohibited act. Whether to increase the penalty will therefore depend on the judge’s prudent assessment. The secular legislature, on the other hand, does envisage higher penalties for re-offending but based on the type of recidivism in place. If it is ordinary special recidivism, whether to tighten the punishment is left to the judge’s discretion. In the case of multiple special recidivism, to mete out a more severe penalty is mandatory.


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