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Vol. 14 No. 16 (2) (2019)


Protection and Defense of the Right to Decent Support of Clergy

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


The right to decent remuneration is one of the most basic rights for every human being. The ecclesiastical legislator proclaims it not only in the 1983 Code of Canon Law, but also in numerous post-conciliar normative acts. The article provides legal bases for the protection and defense of the right to decent support of clergy. The concept of protection should be combined with prevention, i.e. protection against something potential. In addition to protection, protective action may include caring for or looking after something. Defense is necessary, however, when a matter has actually been violated and injustice has arisen in this respect, which requires the defense of a fair legal state and even its restoration.


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