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Vol. 12 No. 14 (2) (2017)


Control Proceedings Conducted by the Veterinary Inspection as a Separate Procedure

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2017-12-30


Veterinary Inspection carries out tasks in the field of animal health protection and the safety animals products in order to ensure the protection of public health. One of the most important tasks is valid for carrying out veterinary checks of the subject supervised. The findings in the minutes control might in the further consequences associated with the initiation and conduct of the administrative procedure to a controlled, which may lead to meet out the fine, or other restrictions (suspension, branch seclusion, orders for specific operations). Therefore, the veterinary inspection bodies must carry out correctly and full guarantees. Only appropriate procedure, in a clear and regulated with the law way, is a guarantee of proper evaluation by the Administrative Court. Moreover, that seems to help with realization the rule of law principle and deepening trust supervisory entities involved with respect to veterinary inspection authorities. Therefore, due to the far-reaching consequences to the controlled subject in the Act on Veterinary Inspection provided a detailed way and mode of carrying out the veterinary checks which may be undoubtedly defined as the special proceedings.


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