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The Self-financing of the Church From its Own Assets and Tax Designation

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-03


The aim of this study is an attempt to answer the question whether the Church and other religious associations are capable of self-financing. The analysis of Polish law norms indicates that the entrepreneurs can be self-finance using its own assets. On the other hand, the literature on religious law points to a different interpretation – to the Church’s ability to self-finance through tax designations. This issue is part of the wider debate on the new forms of self-financing of the Church and religious associations in the contemporary world. It should be noted, however, that the above term cannot be used arbitrarily in order to be original and in line with predetermined intentions. The value of this study carried out lies in the identification of the determinants of self-financing in relation to own assets and tax designations. However, neither of these determinants gives the church the financial independence to fulfil its mission.


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