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Vol. 32 No. 35 (2022)


The Concept of “Consecration” in Ecclesial Movements

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-15


This article tries to deepen the knowledge of consecration as an essential element of Christian life. The Church knows the consecration founded on the sacraments, which are the divine actions with which Christ, through the Holy Spirit, sanctifies the faithful. It is a rigorous consecration since it is a free action of God, who recreates and renews us. The consecration by the profession of the evangelical counsels is not based on a sacrament but is a special vocation that presupposes a call from God, who invites to belong totally to him. The institutes of consecrated life are the concrete historical and institutional forms with which the legal system of the Church approves, recognizes and endorses the form of consecrated life through the profession of the evangelical counsels. But the consecrated life is not exhausted in the institutes recognized until now, but has many other forms that remain especially in the private and public sphere not yet recognized by the Church.


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