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Vol. 30 No. 33 (2020)


Comments in Foreign Media After the Announcement of the Beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński

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Published: 2020-06-30


Although the number of new materials after three months from the date of the announcement of the beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in foreign media is not yet significant, it is noteworthy that he is seen there not only as the leader of the Catholic Church in communist Poland, but also as a spiritual man with deep social thought. This is evidenced by the content of publications (1), comments and comments to those (2). It is surprising to know the Primate of the Millennium, to whom Madrid journalist José Luis Restán Martínez added the title Great; fascination with his figure expressed by prof. Bernardino Montejano from Argentina; emotions accompanying the announced event, finding expression on portals, especially among Poles, and indicating the role of ancestors in the transmission of knowledge and wisdom; drawing in ministry the thoughts of the Servant of God by Archbishop José H. Gomez from Los Angeles. Also for the University of which he was a student, doctor, Grand Chancellor, beatification will be a great task (3).


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