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Vol. 30 No. 33 (2020)


Framework Agreement Between the Holy See and the Republic of Congo on the Relationship Between the Catholic Church and the State of 3 February 2017

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


Among African countries that have concluded an agreement with the Holy See, there is, among others, Republic of Congo. The framework agreement (Accordo Quadro) was concluded on February 3, 2017 in Brazzaville. In the preamble to the agreement, the parties expressed the desire to define – within the legal framework – the mutual relations between the Catholic Church and the Congolese State. The arrangements made by the contracting parties in the framework agreement relate to many areas of life and generally do not depart from the accepted standards of such treaties concluded in recent years. The basis for detailed regulations is entered in art. 2 the principle of independence and autonomy of the state and the Church, each in their own field, “supplemented” with a mention of their sovereignty. The guarantee given to the Catholic Church (in Art. 6 para. 1) of the free exercise of its own mission is also significant. The editorial board of some articles of the treaty raises some objections.


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