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Vol. 30 No. 33 (2020)


The Loss of the Office of Pastor under the 1983 Code of Canon Law

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


This article presents ways of losing the office of pastor provided for by the common law of the Catholic Church, which is the 1983 Code of Canon Law. Despite the fact that the church legislator clearly states that the office of the pastor should be stable and be filled for an indefinite period, it was after the reform associated with the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent amendment of the Code of Canon Law that he decided to abolish the earlier division into removable pastor and indelible. That is why a specific catalog of ways of losing the office of pastor was included in the general law. These methods include: the passage of time, an obstacle in fulfilling the office of pastor, resignation, transfer, removal and deprivation. All of these methods, although in different ways and with different consequences, always lead to the packing of the priest’s office, which is also associated with the need to be filled again by another priest who will of course meet the applicable legal criteria.


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