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Vol. 1 (2023): Rządy prawa wczoraj, dziś i jutro


Spreading the rule of law in society yesterday, today and tomorrow

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-14


The purpose of this essay is to present the process of implementing the mechanisms of the rule of law both in Poland and in the world starting from ancient times until modern times with the greatest emphasis on the formation of the idea and mechanisms of the rule of law in the Polish state. It is the centuries-long experience of the Polish nation and the attempt to put the idea of
the rule of law into practice that has placed our state in the role of a world hegemon, which in matters related to the rule of law has preceded many countries of the world even by several centuries. The essay identifies a number of important organs and privileges that had a significant impact on such a state of affairs, emphasising the enormous contribution and experience of our nation related to the process of creating the rule of law, which has been used and is still used today by many countries of the modern world.


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