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Vol. 1 No. 8 (2023): English edition


The welfare of the child in the mediation process

  • Monika Wolińska
  • Jarosław Michalski
  • Arndt Bussing
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-14


The welfare of the child is a fundamental criterion for any regulation on children's rights. It is an instrument for interpreting any norms contained in national and international legislation. It is also a directive in the creation of laws and their implementation, and is a criterion of evaluation in making decisions concerning children and in resolving conflicts of interest between children and other persons, particularly parents. The article explores the use of mediation as a means of renegotiating family relationships and promoting the welfare of the child. The authors analyse the potential benefits of mediation in resolving family conflicts, taking into account the implementation of the postulate of child welfare.


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