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No. 1 (2024): Consilium Iuridicum


Abnormalities of anti-mobbing prophylaxis

  • Iwona Szczęsna
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-07-17


One of the many goals of social prophylaxis is the prevention of social pathologies by, among other things, finding effective ways to prevent them and, if they occur, to minimize and eliminate them. It is precisely these objectives that are attributed to anti-mobbing prophylaxis. However, for the effectiveness of anti-mobbing prevention to be as effective as possible, interdisciplinary cooperation of experts in the field of law, sociology, psychology etc. is required. Given that mobbing entails costs and consequences for the employee, the organization and its environment, it is the interest of all these groups to combat the phenomenon of mobbing. A number of possibilities for countering this phenomenon have been developed, but it is necessary to take a close look at the shortcomings in their implementation, irregularities in the regulations, as well as ambiguities that may give rise to pathological practices in the area of anti-mobbing activities.


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