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Vol. 19 (2020)

Scientific articles

Issues and Risks Related to Artificial Intelligence

Published: 2020-12-30


Ever so often in the modern world, we come across the term “Artificial Intelligence”. It is present in sophisticated computer systems, humanoid robots, but also in our smartphones and even washing machines. The ever-increasing influence of AI on human life raises various questions, both about the very idea of creating an AI modelled on man, as it guided the creators of this field of research, and the ways in which it is used. In this article, I present an outline of the issues related to the application of AI in social life. Although the idea of creating an artificial intelligence that could compete with human abilities is far from feasible (if at all possible?), the very impact of AI on the society cannot be ignored. The first part of the article presents various sources of AI-related issues (the question of human motivation, the black box problem). In the second part, I present certain threats posed by further, unrestricted development of AI (such as destabilisation, idolatry or unforeseeable consequences).


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