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Bd. 31 Nr. 3 (2022)


Informacja czy agitacja? Wizerunek Andrzeja Dudy w portalu Tvp.info przed I turą wyborów prezydenckich

  • Hubert Szczypek
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2022.3.135-161  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2022-10-11


The text analyzes the image of Andrzej Duda on the Tvp.info portal before the first round of the presidential elections in 2020. The author referred to the theory of social influence formulated by Robert Cialdini, which states that in some situations people act in a simplified manner and automatically react to specific stimulus.
In the texts analyzed was found one example of the rule of involvement and consistency. Not once did the analyzed texts contain the principles of liking and inaccessibility. In seven of the studied publications was found none of the rules of exerting social influence. In the vast majority of texts which stated the existence of rules of exerting social influence, was observed agitation in favor of the president seeking re-election.


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