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Bd. 32 Nr. 4 (2023)


Myślenie Josepha Ratzingera o wieczności i nieśmiertelności w kontekście filozoficzno-teologicznym

  • Marek Kołodziejczyk
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52097/lst.2023.4.113-140  [Google Scholar]
Veröffentlicht: 2024-01-19


The subject of reflection in this publication are the concepts of eternity and immortality of the human soul shown in a philosophical-historical and theological outline, with particular reference to the teachings of Joseph Ratzinger. His views are shown against the background of ancient, biblical, New Testament, early Christian concepts, medieval Christian thought, as well as modern and contemporary thought, which were the platform for Ratzinger’s inspiring explorations and conclusions; they led him to combine his fidelity to tradition and the truths derived from it with his original and profound view of the reality of eternal life.


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