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Vol. 33 Núm. 2 (2024)


Rozumienie pojęcia „Paschy” w teologii Wacława Hryniewicza jako wyraz dialogu z ujęciami redukcjonistycznymi

  • Andrzej Ziemak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publicado: 2024-09-26


Wacław Hryniewicz focuses on the correct interpretation of the complexity of Christ’s mystery events. The contemplation of humanity, martyrdom and death might obscure the significance of His death visible In resurrection.
Contemporary trends to “come back to Jesus” bring chaos to learning about real identity of Jesus. Jesus is a Messiah, and Christ is a Jesus from Nazareth. Christian view of paschal theology must present itself as a salvific act in its generality, and not as particular religious truths, Hryniewicz underlines.
Hryniewicz underlines the idea of devilish element in the history of salvation and claims that history is the place of a fight with evil and death, where the constant, hidden power of resurrection is evidenced. The mystery of Christ inseparable from the presence of Holy Spirit gives the resurrection a general range and unlimited space to act.
Paschal teaching by Apostles brings the first outline of sacramental acts by resurrected Christ and His Sprit among the believers. Christians are supposed to live like the ones who passed from death to life, Hryniewicz states.


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