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Vol. 33 Núm. 4 (2024)


Cisza i milczenie jako podstawa modlitwy w życiu i nauczaniu św. Pawła od Krzyża?

  • Łukasz Andrzejewski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publicado: 2024-12-30


The article explores the importance of quiet and silence in Christian spirituality. The author emphasizes the importance of a space of silence for deep reflection and prayer, referring to the example of St. Paul of the Cross (1694–1775). He dedicated his life to contemplation and asceticism and founded the Passionist Congregation to spread devotion to the Passion of Christ. His teaching emphasizes that true prayer requires a state of inner peace, free from the distractions of the world. The paper discusses the concept of the ritiro, a monastic hermitage, which St. Paul saw as an ideal place for solitude and prayer. He believed that tranquility and silence were available not only to religious but also to the laity, and he gave practical instructions on how to incorporate these practices into daily life. He encouraged the creation of an inner oratory – a sacred space in the heart where God can be encountered. The life of St. Paul of the Cross is a testament to the power of silence and stillness as the foundation for spiritual transformation. His mystical experiences and spiritual guidance show the path of renunciation of self and union with God.


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