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Vol. 30 No 1 (2021)


Ryszarda ze Świętego Wiktora Poczet cesarzy rzymskich od Oktawiana do Trajana, czyli przekład księgi szóstej z pierwszej części jego Libri exceptionum

Publiée: 2021-06-07


This article presents the reader with the first Polish translation of the sixth book from the first part of Liber exceptionum by Richard of Saint Victor, one of the main representatives of the Victorine school operating in the 12th century in Saint Victor’s Abbey in Paris, which deals with successive Roman emperors from Octavian to Trajan. The text is undoubtedly an example of medieval Christian historiography. It is preceded by a preface, in which Richard is briefly introduced and in which the Liber exceptionum is generally characterized as well as the corresponding sixth book itself. Translation has been provided with notes for more efficient reading.


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