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V. 30 N. 2 (2021)


Liturgiczna inicjacja młodzieży pokolenia „millenialsów plus”. Perspektywy i próba akomodacji

  • Mateusz Rafał Potoczny
Pubblicato: 2021-10-15


The present study is a reflection on the state of faith of the young Christian generation belonging to so-called millennials and their children, called here “millennials plus”. In the first part, the author reflects on the level of secularization of the modern world and its impact on youth. Then, the phenomenon of contemporary youth is outlined, along with some characteristics of the millenials generation. This part is followed by presentation of the liturgical life is in the perspective of the wider reality. At the end of this paper one can find some postulates for pastoral use in the liturgical initiation of the millennial plus generation.

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