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Vol. 43 (1975): Our Past


Territorial and pastoral organisation of the Roman Catholic diocese of Przemysl between 1867 and 1914

  • Irena Homola
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1975-06-30


The purpose of this article is to present the state and organisation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Przemyśl and to determine the changes in its internal structure in the years 1867-1914. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Przemyśl was a part of the Lviv Metropolis for the entire period known as the autonomous period. The area of its territory, established in the first half of the 19th century, remained unchanged until World War I. Compared to other Roman Catholic dioceses in Galicia, the diocese of Przemyśl was one of the larger ones, taking second place after Lviv.


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