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Vol. 84 (1995): Our Past


The activities of the missionaries of St. Vincent de Paul in the Mława parish (1712-1864)

  • Leszek Zygner
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-09


Vincentian activity in Mława began in June 1712 and lasted for 152 years, until the dissolution of the Congregation in this area after the January Uprising. At that time, about 160 priests worked in the community, including 10 brothers. In addition to pastoral work, maintenance of churches located in the commune, animation of religious brotherhoods, the priests ran a primary school, promoted education and the love of reading, and developed extensive charitable activities in northern Mazovia. Priests and brothers working there conducted regular parish missions - also outside the Płock diocese. During the period in question, they also worked in Płock, where they ran a theological seminary. Both religious houses were liquidated after the January Uprising in 1864.


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