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Nr 1-2 (2022)

Prawo własności intelektualnej

Obowiązkowe zastępstwo procesowe w sprawach własności intelektualnej – uwagi na tle art. 872 kodeksu postępowania cywilnego

  • Agnieszka Gołaszewska
Opublikowane: 23.01.2024


Article 872 of the Code of Civil Procedure was introduced to the current procedure act on the basis of the Act of 13.02 2020 on the amendment of the of the Code of Civil Procedure act and some other acts. The Article in question introduces, in cases concerning intellectual property, obligatory legal representation for parties by a professional agent – an attorney, solicitor or patent attorney. Such obligatory legal representation launched by this provision becomes the third within the Polish procedural law.

The aim of this publication is to comprehensively discuss legal norms resulting from the legal provision in question – starting with ratio legis for this solution, to the substantive scope of the obligation of legal representation, methods of fulfilling the new obligation in civil procedure, ending with postulates de lege ferenda that stem from experiences of how the Article 872 of the Code of Civil Procedure operates in court practice.


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