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Nr 6 (2022)


Postępowanie zabezpieczające w sprawach własności intelektualnej – wybrane aspekty

  • Agnieszka Gołaszewska
Opublikowane: 04.02.2024


The article presents selected issues related to the proceedings for granting interim measures – characteristic of proceedings for granting interim measures in IP cases. They include the practice of submitting protective letters, the issue of permissibility of withdrawing motions for granting interim measures, and service of court decisions granting interim measures. As for the first issue, the article confirms the need for unification of judicial practice so that the courts get acquainted with the contents of protective letters. It should be compliant with the models of proceedings recognized by the Polish Code of Civil Proceedings. As for the second issue, the possibility to withdraw motions for granting interim measures in IP cases should be limited. The article ends with a critical analysis of the practice of service of court decisions granting interim measures in IP cases.  


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