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Vol. 29 (2022)


A strong cry for a man in the postandemic, ­mediatized and war space – the perspective of the necessary personalistic social education

  • Janusz Miąso
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-09-19


A kind of strong cry for man, for humanity, is getting louder and louder, especially in a climate of a certain weakening of the human element, as correctly diagnosed by Professor Jan Szmyd. The pandemic, mediatization and technocracy at the same time, the war in Ukraine, with the terrible Russian barbarism and the heroism of Ukraine at the same time, revealed the enormous scale of human, social and economic problems. They showed individual human, family and social dramas that break the heart, especially children’s dramas. In order not to remain helpless, the need for a personalistic social education is a necessity, where the human being as a Person, especially in the social dimension, will be again in the center as a priceless value that must be seen again, promoted, nurtured and educated.


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