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Tom 14 Nr 2 (2021)


Digitalisation of the Functioning of Bodies of Corporate and Non-Corporate Entities in the Light of Covid-19 Regulations

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 19.07.2022


The purpose of the article is to compare the regulations governing remote participation in the meetings of bodies of corporate and non-corporate entities, which were introduced to the Polish legal system during the COVID-19 pandemic. On this basis, the optimal solution is chosen. Comparison of regulations of the Code of Commercial Companies, Cooperative Law, Law of Associations, Law of Foundations and Apartment Ownership Act leads to a conclusion that the solutions contained in the Code of Commercial Companies should be assessed as the best. This act to the greatest extent takes into account the need of ensuring remote participation in the meetings of the bodies and at the same time meets the principle of technological neutrality and provides an appropriate level of security. Due to the need to introduce permanent regulations ensuring remote participation in the meetings of the bodies of corporate and non-corporate entities, the regulations of the Code of Commercial Companies can be used as a starting point for creating similar regulations that are adapted to the specific characteristics of particular entities. Therefore, the article presents possible directions of development of the national law in relation to the discussed issue.


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