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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)


Possibilities for Doing Business Activities for Housing Associations

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-31


The study deals with the issue of the possibility of running a business by a housing association which is rarely discussed in the literature. The specificity of this entity, focusing on the management of common real estate in multi-apartment buildings, makes it seem impossible for the housing community to undertake business activity. Each entity enjoys the right to start a business. Restrictions in this respect cannot be presumed due to the specificity of a given entity. In the current legal status undertaking such an activity for the apartment owners and creditors of the local government community is inadvisable and risky, inter alia, due to the lack of legal regulations regarding the possibility of declaring bankruptcy of a housing community. To ensure the safe economic activity of the housing community, the legislative changes indicated in the article are required.


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