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Tom 14 Nr 1 (2021)


Homelessness Against the Principle of Indivisibility of Human Rights

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 21.07.2022


The main aim of this study is to present homelessness against international human rights law, whilst assessing the state of regulations in force and pointing out whether they sufficiently protect homeless persons as a group which requires special legal protection. At the same time, the analysis will confirm or falsify the research hypothesis which asks us to ponder on whether (and if yes – why) homelessness violates the principle of indivisibility of human rights in a particular way and whether it should be examined as such. Does homelessness per se – violating inherent human dignity – negate the essence of human rights and de facto exclude the possibility of exercising some of them? Formulation of this hypothesis implicates a question about the relationship between homelessness and indivisibility of human rights. Verification of the above hypothesis will outline the scope of further reflections carried out on the basis of the analytical method and by interpretation of the law in force, supported by the statistical method.


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