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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)


Law, Privatization and Security – Special Challenges New Space Age (NewSpace)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-31


The term “NewSpace” refers to the recent commercialization of the space sector. Today, one of the fastest growing industries is the space industry. Adapting solutions created for the purposes of space exploration or Earth observation allows for the introduction of innovations in already known technologies and the creation of solutions that revolutionize the economy. Satellite technology affects virtually every area of life. Cooperation between science and business is experiencing its “golden age.” Technologies developed for the space sector also offer great opportunities for the development of the industry. The law is not keeping up with this “space revolution.” The concept of responsibility for activities inconsistent with the rules of international law, including the activities of private entities, and the responsibility of the state for damage caused by space objets, including private operators, is becoming a fundamental problem of international space law. While, in principle, any space technology can have dual uses – civil-military, this article, by definetion, does not address the issues related to the militarization of space.



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