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Vol. 8 (2015)


Passive Subject and Active Subject of Legal Security

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2015-12-31


In the aforementioned article there were introduced to scientific discourse new categories, namely category of passive subject of legal security and category of active subject of legal security. The need to introduce these categories revealed in the course of the discussions on the concept of legal certainty. The purpose of this article is to answer the question ‘who and why it is the passive subject of legal security, and who the active subject of legal security is’. In addition, consideration is given to whether the passive subject of legal security in certain circumstances acts as the active subject, and vice versa – whether the active subject of legal security may be the passive subject of legal security. The author argues that the passive subject of legal security is first of all every human being. The sovereign is primarily the active subject of legal security. However, there are circumstances in which the passive subject also (to some extent) plays the role of an active subject, and the active subject turns out to be also the passive subject of legal security.


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