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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020)


The Republic of Poland as a Common Good

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-06-30


The article is devoted to the obligations towards the state – the Republic of Poland and the obligations of the state, which is a community in which mutual relations are based on a specific system of values, performing its functions based on a sense of nationality and civic community. The common good imposes on citizens the obligation to contribute to preserving the good, which is the Republic of Poland, and gives rise to responsibility in this respect. It also delineates the boundaries of legal activity of public authorities and the constitutionally accepted actions of all social entities, which in their actions are guided by the care, protection and control of what is identified with the Republic of Poland. The basis of the state is a man with his dignity and rights, living in a community, hence the extensive analysis of the understanding of the concept of the “common good” both from the perspective of the social science of the Catholic Church, work on the draft Constitution and the ongoing debate during the meetings of the National Assembly and the contemporary understanding of the common good in jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal.


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