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Vol. 13 No. 2 (2020)


Protection of the Republic of Poland in the Perspective of Centuries of History. Part III

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2020-12-31


Poland in the period of 100 years, regained sovereignty for the second time in 1989. This was associated with profound changes not only in social life, but also with systemic changes. At the end of 1989 a number of changes were made to the Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic, indicating, among others that in the Republic of Poland power belongs to the Nation. So it was the beginning of introducing new values into the – still binding – Stalinist constitution. Criminal law did not keep pace with these changes, without adapting the protection of the Polish State to its new systemic content. In the Penal Code, the Polish People’s Republic was still a protected value. The comprehensive change of constitutional values took place only in the new Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 and in – almost parallel to it – the Criminal Code. Analyzing its provisions against the background of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, it can be stated that on the criminalization level, including crimes against the Commonwealth, there is axiological coherence with constitutional values. At the end of the study, covering in three parts the problem of the axiological basis of criminal law protection of the Republic of Poland, it should be emphasized that they presented different periods in the 100-year history of Poland against the background of three different constitutional models affecting criminal law solutions. At the same time, it was pointed out that the original axiological basis for this protection was internalized by the citizens forming the state community, a system of values related to the moral duty of loyalty to the homeland as a common good.


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