The issue of defining the limitation periods for claims, both the periods a tempore facti and a tempore scientiae, undoubtedly, is extremely important for the conduct of legal transactions, and, above all, for defining the legal situation of the aggrieved party and the person obliged to redress the damage. Therefore, the statement that the period cannot run endlessly should not be criticized, even in the case of the damage of the most important personal interests such as life and health. It should favour the stabilization of each participant of legal transactions. However, it is inadmissible to accept the situation in which the obligator’s interests are more important than the interests of the aggrieved party, which in the case of Article 442 of KC in respect of the damage on a person took place, and it seems to be a justified statement, which may also take place in the interpretation of Article 4421 of KC. The interests of the aggrieved party cannot be deprecated, justifying it with the need of the stable conduct of legal transactions, and with the fact that the tortfeasor is in the condition of long-term uncertainty. It should be remembered that the condition of uncertainty may occur only after the damage discovery, thus, the condition of uncertainty may be referred to the period a tempore scientiae. It should be agreed that the limitation period should have the functions that discipline and motivate the aggrieved party, which stay in close connection with the compensatory function of the liability for damages. Moreover, the lapse of time has a negative influence on the evidence possibility, both when it comes to the aggrieved party and the person obliged to redress the damage, which, however, cannot be an obstacle for the possibility of exercising subjective rights. The issue of the statute of limitations for claims resulting from the damage based on tort takes on particular meaning, also due to the fact that every year the citizens’ sense of law is improving; among others, thanks to gratuitous legal advice that is developing rapidly.
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