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Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023)


Legal Culture in the European Union in the Light of EU Constitutionalism

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-12-29


The aim of the article was to assess the legal culture in the European Union during the crises plaguing Europe in the 21st century. It focuses on a case study of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Although legal culture develops over a long period of time, it seems that in recent years the process of its change has accelerated, which is very clearly visible on the example of EU constitutionalism. The assessment of legal culture during the pandemic crisis was thus analyzed in relation to EU constitutionalism. The most important research questions included: (i) Have the most important constitutional values of the EU been transformed due to the crisis? (ii) Have the procedures for changing constitutional law been maintained?, (iii) Has appropriate democratic control and accountability been maintained throughout the process of these changes?, and finally (iv) What was the role of politics in the processes of EU constitutionalism?


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