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Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024)


The Role of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office in Resolving Disputes Related to Refusal to Connect a Renewable Energy Installation

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-23


The competences of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office include, inter alia, resolving disputes between parties of specific contractual relations in which at least one party is an energy enterprise. One of the categories of such disputes is refusal to connect a renewable energy installation. The analysis presented in this paper leads to a conclusion that due to the multidimensional goals laid down in energy law, technical and economic conditions should be examined while taking into account interests of all stakeholders. This article presents analyses the law in force, involving a case study of a Polish example and a comparative analysis. As a result, the author has come to the conclusion that resolving disputes by the President is a legal instrument that serves to ensure equal treatment and connection of market participants who request it, at the same time facilitating reduction of CO2 emissions and energy neutrality pursuant to the principles adopted by the European Union and the international community. The article draws on selected acts of ordinary law, the relevant literature, decisions made by courts and tribunals, as well as data published by the President and by industry entities.


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