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Tom 17 Nr 1 (2024)


Projects for the Regulation of Space Traffic Management

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 26.06.2024


The elements of the STM regime are the two dimensions of space traffic (in the scientific-technical and regulatory domains) and the three phases of space traffic: the launch, the on-orbit operations and the return. Examples of traffic regulations include launch safety rules, a specific air-space regime, manned spacecraft safety rules, regulations governing debris removal, traffic laws for orbital phases, return safety regulations (e.g. descent corridors), frequency use and avoidance of interference, environmental regulations, etc. Implementation and control mechanisms are primarily national regulations for licensing, arbitration and enforcement, operational assessments, coordination, and civil-military cooperation. This article is based on the concept of STM, which emphasises the need to respond quickly to unexpected events in space by creating a regime that encompasses all aspects of space activities.


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