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Vol. 23 Núm. 1 (2015)

Historia Kościoła

Troska biskupa Wawrzyńca o należne Kościołowi wrocławskiemu dziesięciny

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publicado: 2019-12-07


In the thirteenth century hierarchs of the church of the diocese of Silesia strove for church liberation from the sovereign power of the state, to obtain complete autonomous individuality, to subject the state and society to canonical rules and obligations arising from them, eg.: tithing. Gregorian reforms were implemented. In Silesia, the first church claim for tithe took place in the time of administration of Bishop Cyprian, but there were many concessions and exemptions in paying. The successor to the bishop Cyprian, Bishop Lawrence came stricter to the issue of tithing - no concessions and no exemptions. This attitude of bishop to the tithes contributed to dissatisfaction by the Prince Henry the Bearded. The conflict between two mens increased. Prince Henry the Bearded didin’t fulfil the terms of the Lateran Council concerning the tithe, which brought, that Bishop Lawrence complained to Pope Innocent III. Pope supported the claims of Bishop Lawrence. After death of Innocent III, the new Pope Honorius III supports the complaint of Prince Henry and to resolve the dispute, deputed the throughout Europe respected monk diplomat Konrad Krossigk, who tried to mitigate the conflict. It was only in 1227 a settlement agrement were signed, which was a compromise on both sides. The settlement allowed the development to colonize the areas of Silesia.


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