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Vol. 25 No 2 (2017)

Teologia biblijna

Bóg sprawiedliwości i Bóg miłosierdzia w świetle Wj 33, 19 i Wj 34, 6-7

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Publiée: 2019-01-15


Undertaking the theme of justice and charity of God, the author wants to show that these “attributes” of God do not exclude each other mutually. They mutually complete each other and are inseparably and existentially related to each other. Both come from God, in Him have their beginning and the source. Justice and charity are God’s gifts for us. We are their continuous recipients. If we begin to contrast justice and charity, sooner or later they will lose their sense and meaning in our life, and through this we will destroy also their beneficial character planned by God in his economy of salvation. Justice without charity will become “a cold” doctrine, and charity without justice will prove only a servile, meaningless gesture.


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