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V. 24 N. 2 (2016)

Historia Kościoła i Prawo Kanoniczne

Zabiegi biskupa Tomasza II o auxilium brachii secularis przeciw księciu Henry- kowi IV Probusowi w 1287 roku

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2019-10-28


When Bishop Thomas II was holding the diocese of Wroclaw in 1270, he found a difficult situation after the rules of Prince Bishop Władysław, the interests of church suffered greatly, there was lawlessness and disorder. The first task was the establishment of law and order. During of implementating of order in the diocese, there was a dispute with Prince Henry IV. It was a big dispute concerning the views of law, power, church and state. During the dispute the bishop was using excommunication, interdict, and the Prince was using the policy of fait accompli and the military dominance as much that the bishop had to run to Otmuchów and then to Racibórz, which Prince Henry had invaded by armed troops. The article describes the efforts of Bishop Thomas for announcement of crusade against the prince. The idea emerged during the Synod meeting in 1285 in Krakow, but Pope Honorius IV did not agree. Once again, the bishop strives for an armed expedition against the prince in 1287. He was striving for this in Rome and by the Polish bishops.

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