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V. 21 N. 2 (2013)

Filozofia i Historia Kościoła

Natura przepowiadania słowa Bożego w nauczaniu 59. Synodu Archidiecezji Wrocławskiej (1985–1991)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Pubblicato: 2020-01-17


The 59th Synod of Wrocław Archdiocese which took place in the years 1985–1991 came to the conclusion that proclaiming the Word of God is one of the fundamental functions in the redemptive vocation of the Church. It does not mean teaching a doctrine but proclaiming the Revelation. By addressing the question of the nature of God’s Word in its documents, the Synod makes the preachers and the faithful aware of the importance of this Word. The Word is supposed to lead the listeners to conversion, awaken their faith, deepen and develop their life of faith with all its consequences and finally guide them towards worshipping God in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and to salvation.

Riferimenti bibliografici

DK 4; Synod Archidiecezji Wrocławskiej 1985-1991, Wrocław 1995.

Góralski W., Synod diecezjalny, w: R. Kamiński (red.), Leksykon teologii pastoralnej, Lublin 2006.

Wprowadzenie teologiczne i pastoralne. Komunia święta i kult Tajemnicy Eucharystycznej poza Mszą świętą, Katowice 1985.


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