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Vol. 17 No. 19 (1) (2022)


Protecting Women’s Rights – Legislation and Economic Reality. Results of a Pilot Study

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-06-14


The aim of this publication is to analyse and evaluate the following issue: whether and to what extent the regulations introduced by the Polish legislator have contributed to strengthening women’s rights so that their economic and social situation is equal to that of men. The research results presented in this article are part of a broader research project devoted to the analysis of long-term trends in Polish legislative policy. In the publication, the Authors presented general research results and then analysed and evaluated those laws in which the examined phenomenon of weaker rights (their legal strengthening or weakening) occurred in relation to women. The analysis was made from the point of view of the actions that the Polish legislator undertook in the legislative process, the aim of which was to egalitarize the economic and social situation of women. It cannot be ignored that Poland, as a Member State of the European Union, is obliged to ensure equal treatment of women and men in the field of employment and work and to ensure non-discriminatory treatment. The assessment included two aspects: the legal – whether the introduced regulations granted women additional privileges or were connected to the transfer of funds from the state budget, and the economic – what economic effects the adopted solutions would have on women.


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