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Vol. 16 No. 18 (1) (2021)


The Importance of Ethics in the Legal Profession (Selected Issues)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-06-30


In contemporary legal ethics, from the theoretical and phenomenological perspective, emphasis is placed on value ethics, value thinking and communication of ethical and professional issues in relation to reality in the legal professions. Each of the legal professions has made a codification of ethics taking into account the moral good in situational ethics of a lawyer, problems of personal patterns, praxeology. The paper points out that legal corporations are treated as ethical communication communities. Professional ethics is most often understood as the development of the most important ethical standards and perspectives for a specific profession and the definition of their actual motivations. These standards are based on general and basic ethical indicators adopted in the society and should not be a simple adaptation to the specificity of professional activities. The observance of professional ethics standards and taking care of the proper moral level of people practising the legal profession aims to increase the prestige of legal profession.


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