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Vol. 15 No. 17 (2) (2020)


“Another Reason” as a Procedural Premise in the Executive Stage

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-12-12


When adjudicating in the course of incidental proceedings, the court is often faced with the task of choosing the form of the decision that should be taken in the factual state. Provided for in Art. 15, para. 1 CC discontinuation of the proceedings may take place, inter alia, due to “another reason excluding enforcement proceedings.” As a rule, these are procedural obstacles that prevent substantive examination of the case. There is no doubt that the above institution should be used with great caution. The study presents the premises, principles and procedural problems related to the discontinuation of incidental proceedings, in an attempt to define the boundaries and the mode of application of this institution.


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