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Vol. 14 No. 16 (2) (2019)


Law Towards Family: Friend or Foe

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


The family and the state are two elements inherently linked to people’s lives: the family under natural law and the state under positive law, the latter emerging from the natural human need for collective life. There is constant interplay between the natural family rights and obligations and positive law, sometimes even competition or contradictions. The family needs positive law because social life needs proper organization, but not every normative solution is conducive to the personal and community development of a person. Strong and weak rights, bans and orders may prove potentially dangerous, and this ultimately proves the absence of axiological or praxeological competence of the legislator and public enforcers. The key to making positive law a true family’s ally is for that law to abide by perpetual natural law, which requires a constant diagnosis of and reflection on the changing reality.


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