Vol. 12 No. 14 (2) (2017)
The Codification of Hunting Law in the Austrian Partition and its Reception in the Legislation in the Second Republic of Poland
The aim of the article is to present the codification of game laws in the territory of the Austrian Partition at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and the influence of its respective regulations on the shaping of hunting relations in the Polish independent state after 1918. The beginnings of this process took place in the mid-19th century when some work was undertaken in order to regulate hunting issues within the codification of laws carried out by the partitioning powers. I order to describe the proceedings referring to successive stages of the process of codification of game laws in the Austrian Partition at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the sources produced by the chancellery of the Diet of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria were examined, the power of which embraced the questions of domestic culture as well as the sphere of hunting. These included parliamentary transcripts of chamber meetings from the years 1883-1910, some appendices dating from this period, which contain detailed texts and analyses of specific legislation drafts, and The Journal of Laws and Domestic Regulations for the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria with the Grand Dutchy of Cracow. Using the above-mentioned material, a thorough analysis of the adopted solutions was conducted, particularly those concerning the structure of hunting districts and the problem of responsibility for damage caused by game on private land. Based on the results of the overview of the Galician hunting law and applying a comparative method together with commentaries on successive codification, a comparison was made between the regulations worked out in the Galician Hunting Act of 1910 and the rules of hunting organization, which were adopted in the Second Republic of Poland (1918-1939) under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Poland of December 3, 1927. This allowed the author to indicate the areas in which the implementation of the earlier regulations was effectuated in terms of hunting organization and hunting districts, among other things, as well as those in which there were fundamental differences resulting from the distinct definitions of the notion of hunting embedded in both pieces of legislation.
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