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Vol. 9 No. 11 (1) (2014)


Digital Medical Documentation vs. Personal Data Protection

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-06-30


The article presents selected problems concerning digital medical documentation and protection of personal data. Digital medical documentation is a manifestation of computerization of health system. The Act of 28 April 2011 on system of information in health care requires health care facilities to maintain digital medical documentation from 1 August 2014. Computerization of medical documentation means new opportunities but also poses a serious threat to the patients. Outsourcing of processing of personal data of patients could became a common practice of health care institutions despite of lack of legal grounds. The Personal Data Protection Act allows generally outsourcing of processing of personal data. The situation is different for statutory secrecy, when outsourcing involves access to confidential information for services providers. Personal data of patients are covered by the professional secrecy of medical professions. This may plant a justifiable doubts regarding the protection of sensitive data of patients. In practice, it means that personal data of patient such as medical history, information on addictions, and even information about the genetic code and the sexual life will be stored on servers outside the seat of health care institutions.


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