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Vol. 29 No. 32 (2019)


The Effects of the Dissocial Personality on the Discretion of Judgment Concerning the Essential Matrimonial Rights and Duties

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Published: 2019-06-30


Recognition is an indispensable element of marital consent, which is a human act, assuming the action of mind and will. Not only the theoretical knowledge of marriage is necessary to undertake marriage obligations, but also the ability to reflect skillfully and critically, make a choice in a completely free way. Critical evaluation should include an assessment of the importance of the main marital rights and obligations both for him/herself and for the nupturient in the ethical, social, legal and individual dimension. In the critical assessment of important marital rights and obligations, the nupturient is able to critically assess them not only in relation to a given moment (marital consent), but also in relations to the future marital life. The choice is to be balanced (electio ponderata) and motivated. When, however, in the case of a dissocial personality there is a disruption of internal harmony of its authorities, which undoubtedly affects the ability to critically evaluate, it may significantly hinder or even prevent the conscious determination of his position towards a specific marriage. If a human being with a dissocial personality, or in other words a psychopathic personality, undertakes a marriage despite this, this step is not based on a prudent decision. In a person affected by this lack of harmony, the ability to evaluate and critically judge is so strongly violated that it is unable to comprehend the elements and relationships in the marriage to be concluded. Therefore, her will cannot be focused on the natural and Christian dimension of marriage.


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